Sunday, January 4, 2009

For New Years this year Jeff, Lindsay and their kids came up.
We had a fun, crazy, exhausting time...a good way to start the new year.


J.T. was super exited for Christmas. He loved checking out what everyone else got more than he like opening his own presents. Christmas was really fun this year.

Here's J.T in his cute new Christmas Jammies.
Hailey got what she wanted for Christmas, "the girl with the
sparklie shoes from Hannah Montana"

Hailey's 2008 Gingerbread House

Hailey did a really good job on her Gingerbread House this year. It only lasted a few hours before dad, Hailey and J.T. just couldn't resist tasting it.

Snow Time

Hailey and J.T. were really excited to play in the first big snow this year. Hailey likes to eat it more than play in it, and J.T. was just happy to be outside.

J.T. was very serious when it came to playing in the snow. Sorry about the purple gloves buddy, but it was nice of Hailey to share.

Hailey's had her first dance recital. It was really funny. She did a good job when she paid attention, and she had a lot of fun.

Hailey was a big help decorating for Christmas this year. J.T. on the other hand broke 5 ornaments in less than 2 minutes. He is busy.

My mom helped watch the kids while my dad, Joe and I worked on the basement. Hailey had so much fun! Notice her outfit, she calls it "twinkle star to twinkle star," it's one of her favorites.

My cute family at Thanksgiving. It is really crazy with all 23 of us there but it is a lot of fun.

Flour Power

This is what happens when you leave a 3 and 1 year old alone in a room with a 50 lb bag of flour!